here comes the sun

Oswald Arthur Wilton Jr.

anxious . sheltered . sunny

Sunny, albeit anxious and often confused -- All valid emotions from someone who missed out on a few centuries. Oswald was incredibly sheltered in life, and has had more than his fair share of culture shock upon waking up in 2020 as a vampire and being thrust into a strange and complex new life. A great lover of literature and history, he's often found under the shade of a tree and a pile of books beside him. Oswald is fascinated by technology of any era, and tries his best to understand how and why things function the way they do.

Though his disposition is generally cheerful; Oswald is a bit of a crybaby, and is frequently found moping about something or another. He's unapologetically himself though, and isn't afraid to defend his honour when needed.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Cats
  • Photography
  • History


  • Dogs
  • Coffee
  • Swimming

A Brief History Overview

Born in 1835 to an English mother and a Japanese immigrant father, Oswald — though known as his birth name, which he always hated —was always somewhat of an outcast. From a young age he wasn’t interested in the typical boy’s activities, preferring history to sports and schoolwork to typical playtime, giving his peers multiple reasons to pick on him. If his mixed heritage wasn’t enough, they could always point and laugh at how scrawny and weak he was; however he always had a strong will and a stronger heart, always giving people his best gentlemanly front and renowned kindness.

While his father was not around much, he still studied Japanese and got somewhat decent with the written side of it, though he felt ostracized from that side of the family and preferred to think of himself as English through and through. Oswald was always very close with his dearly beloved mother, but it was his grandfather who he admired the most. The two had a great relationship, as his grandfather was always there to help teach and help him through his troubles and delights all the same.

In fact, it was his Grandfather Wilton who not only inspired his love of history, but his desire to be as gentlemanly as possible as an attempt to emulate and make his grandfather proud… but this is not the only way his dear grandfather changed his life.

Early Autumn, 1850

One horrible autumn night, Grandfather Wilton and his son, John, went on a hunting party to find Oswald’s great uncle Oscar, who had gone missing a week prior. Oswald’s grandfather came back from that trip…different, and one night he’d broken into Oswald’s room and was on his throat in an instant. Before Oswald knew what had happened, Uncle John burst in with a blunderbuss and shot Grandfather Wilton, seemingly without reason, who collapsed on top of Oswald with a snarl as he took in his final breath.

Horribly shaken, Oswald failed to notice how much he was changing. His strength quickly left him, as no food seemed to sate his ever grumbling stomach, if he even felt like eating at all.

The trial for Uncle John’s heinous crime was over almost instantly, and he was sentenced to hang for his grave sin. His last words haunted Oswald, “One day, the journal will explain everything, boy!”

Now Uncle John kept no journals or diaries of his own, but Grandfather Wilton, on the other hand, was somewhat renowned for his journaling in the family and with friends of his. Too angry at John to care to look at the journal, Oswald’s health rapidly declined, and it wasn’t but a week before he had passed away at just 19, seemingly from the grief and illness. Buried with his own calligraphy practice and his grandfather’s journal, his story should’ve ended at that. didn’t.

Summertime, 2020

Fast forward almost two hundred years later to the year 2020. Ongoing construction found his corpse that had naturally mummified, and researchers quickly latched onto this mystery of the two journal’d mummy, assumed to be the author of the English journal — Oswald Wilton, his grandfather! Seeing as how the Japanese calligraphy practice raised cultural sensitivity concerns, his corpse was sent to Japan to be studied. The case only grew stranger as he seemed to be mummified, however a CT scan revealed that his organs seemed to be perfectly normal… for a healthy young adult.

As the scientists worked to unravel the mystery, they realized he wasn’t the author of the journal and dubbed him the Shriveled Man for the time being. One scientist made the fatal mistake of getting a minor cut and a slight bit of blood onto Oswald’s corpse, which seemed to de-mummify him somewhat. Baffled, they started to experiment with giving him a blood transfusion.

His body completely healed in an instant, and in a feral state of hunger ripped out the IV and went into a horrific feast upon the scientists and faculty members unluckily enough to be in the area, before breaking out of the facility still in a feral, monstrous state. Now wanted for a crime he doesn’t know he committed, Oswald found himself in a strange new world in which he remains ever curious and filled with childlike wonder in his outlook.


  • Oswald has two Ball-Jointed Dolls made in his image irl, one of his human(oid) form and the other of his (anthro) bat form.
  • He fainted upon seeing someone in a bikini for the first time.
  • Oswald loves cats and owns a cream colored long haired one named Crumpet.
  • While he takes his blood mixed into tea, he finds it tastes better by itself, assuming it is warm and fresh, like a glass of milk.
  • He strives to be like his grandfather athough isn't as good of a gentleman as Oswald would like to imagine that he is.
  • His eye color when he was alive was a deep brown.
  • While he doesn't know or understand modern gender yet, he will eventually identify as a demiboy when he is explained what it is.
  • He adores cat videos and memes and will print out and mail them to his friends.
  • Oswald's favorite niche of history is Arthurian legend.
  • He learned to swim when he was thrown into the Thames when he was still alive. Thankfully, he was a quick learner.