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Sharing Is Caring

“Do forgive me,” he whispered softly, words barely making a sound off his tender lips. “But I have no choice. I have been consumed by this madness,” he continued, delicate tone in stark contrast to the harsh red that covered him, white shirt tainted by…

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Newspaper Clippings

Ongoing construction in London’s outskirts has unearthed an apparently naturally mummified human body dating back to the mid 1800's. Found alongside the body were two journals, one in English and one in Japanese. While the occurrence of grave goods in Victorian burials is not unusual,…

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An Introduction 

What is Bloodright? Well, in short, it's a story. In long, it's a story about coming into your own, vampires, and whatever weird adventures I decide to make these characters embark on. Who are the characters? It follows one Oswald Arthur Wilton, newly awoken, absolute…

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